Saturday, May 29, 2010

A New Beginning

So this is my first blog. Having come here through another secret project, I figured I might as well use the tools here to practice some writing, and I've chosen a topic near and dear to my heart: The vidya games. I am merely a humble average gamer, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to share my thoughts on the medium with others. With a little luck, maybe you will take something away from my posts, whether it's some advice on whether a game is worth your hard-earned money, or if it's just some insight into the industry we all love.

Future posts in this blog will feature reviews on full games, first thoughts on things like demos, betas, and the like that I get my hands on, some previews for upcoming games that I am excited for and why you should be as well, recaps and thoughts on upcoming trade shows (including the upcoming E3 2010 in June), maybe some reviews or thoughts on semi-games related stuff such as game movies, collectibles, and merchandise, and my musings on video games in general. My first project will be a review of RockStar's latest offering Red Dead Redemption, and after that I have some ideas for future posts. Stay tuned.

~Nick P.


  1. In response to Red Dead Redemption, it is so much fun. I find it to be a lot like Assassin's Creed in where right now, I can't find many errors, but when a sequel comes out, I'll look at it and be like, yeah that really pissed me off!. I was looking for a new game to keep me entertained, and this is it. Its fun, engaging, and different. There are a couple of things I wish were different. First: you should be able to swim. I understand for the time period, many people do not know how to swim, however, here's a guy who is an outlaw and NEEDS to know how to swim to get away from the law. So swimming would be nice. Also, in multiplayer because I have not played much single player, I almost wish that the free roam only had like 3-5 actual worlds and everyone who was in free roam was in one of these worlds. I know that isn't possible with the size of the map, although huge, there are way to many players. Still, I wish I could interact with more than 16 people at a time on free roam. other than that though, pretty good game. Keeps me engaged, always something to do. How are we rating? On a 5 scale, I'd give it a 5 out of 5, and on a 10 scale, a 9 out of 10.

  2. Yeah, I agree with a lot of that. There aren't a lot of flaws that I can really find. I was really annoyed when I heard you couldn't swim, but it's not too big a deal since there isn't a lot of deep water around. I'll have my full review up soon (by the end of the day if I'm lucky).
